200,000 Websites Built Using Premium Addons & Still Counting.

In less than 2 years Premium Addons was able to grow allot faster than we’ve ever expected. Today we woke up finding out that 200,000 websites are using Premium Addons which is really remarkable milestone for our entire team.

We still remember those times when we were looking for a better page builder to adopt for our next WordPress Theme and we found that Elementor Page Builder has this great potential so we decided to build a companion plugin first so we can extend it’s capabilities that way we want.

What happened is that the WordPress Community and also Elementor Community loved it. It started to grow and we decided to move it for just a side project to become one of our major products. With our user’s feedback, help in translation, suggestions and love Premium Addons turned to be our most successful product.

Premium Addons has been downloaded more than 3 million times, 5 stars rated by 396 users and still growing. Again we would love to thank you all for your support and we promise to keep improving it and keep it Free.